About This Site

This website aims to train visualization in chess.

I see International Grandmaster playing blindfold chess on the internet.
I find it difficult when I try it myself.

At first, you may find it difficult to visualize squares on a chessboard and movement of pieces, but you will become able to visualize them if you learn how to do it and train visualization.

I hope this website will help you.
Have fun!

Sitemap for Mobile


Relax and do not hold your breath when you visualize something in training.
Take a break in between training.
Do not train more than 30 minutes a day.
Do not train when you are tired or under the weather.
Stop training immediately if you feel sick.
Quit training if you often feel sick.




Nishimura, Hiroyuki (2016). "Chess yougo syou ziten eiwa[Chess Glossary]"
http://hnishy.la.coocan.jp/chessterms.htm (accessed May 25, 2020)
