About the Training from Here

To play blindfold chess, we need to visualize:
squares that a piece controls
the movement of pieces 

For that purpose, we will train visualization for each piece.

Please read articles in order from top to bottom. If you try to do the queen or knight training first, it won't be easy, and you can not expect any effect.

We will train as follows.

First, look at a board, then get an image.
Next, close your eyes, and visualize squares or the movement of a piece with moving your hand.
Finally, visualize them again without moving your hand.

As the training progresses, they move on to a more advanced method.

It takes from five to twenty minutes per training.
Apart from that, it takes a little time to learn how to train.

If you don't know how to do each training, please let me know in the comments.


Relax and do not hold your breath when you visualize something in training.
Take a break in between training.
Do not train more than 30 minutes a day.
Do not train when you are tired or under the weather.
Stop training immediately if you feel sick.
Quit training if you often feel sick.
