Understand the Structure of a Chessboard

Let's start by understanding the structure of a chessboard that consists of 64 squares.

First, remember the positions of the light and dark squares.

The corners: a1, a8, h1, and h8
The center: d4, d5, e4, and e5

The 8 x 8 grid consists of the four 4 x 4 grids.

The 4 x 4 grid consists of the four 2 x 2 grids.
Thinking of 2 x 2 squares as a unit helps you to locate the light and dark squares.

Next: Visualize a Square Where it is


  1. Anonymous3/6/23 18:43

    Hello ! It's simple but efficient, This page was very helpful for me ( Just 4 x 4 grids ) ! Congratulations for your site !

  2. Hello! Thanks for your comment.


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