Visualize a Diagonal

I use the image of 2 x 2 grids or 3 x 3 grids when I visualize a diagonal.

The case of using 2 x 2 grids

The four-squares diagonal

The six-squares diagonal

The eight-squares diagonal

The case of using 3 x 3 grids

It is easy to visualize a three-squares diagonal in a 3 x 3 grid. Visualizing not only the three-squares diagonal but also the white squares helps your visualization.

It would be easy to visualize the a6-c8 diagonal, but not easy to visualize the f5-h7 or e2-g4 diagonals.

However, A 3 x 3 grid helps you visualize a three-squares diagonal.

The five-squares diagonal

The seven-squares diagonal

Even if visualizing a diagonal is difficult for you now, visualization training with bishop will improve your visualization.
